Grounded Authentic Positive

Fitness has long been a passion which I love to share with each person, whether a seasoned athlete or someone who’s never liked the gym! 

The benefits are both scientific and anecdotal: physical health (strength, cardio, balance, agility, mobility, flexibility), mental health (clarity, calm, confidence), and emotional health (optimism, perspective).

Simply put, fitness makes you feel better!

Sandy LeBlanc

I fell in love with fitness about 20 years ago, starting with running, yoga and resistance training. As I delved deeper, I realized I could change my body, become healthier and more optimistic. I love sharing this passion with others, to help them find the same potential for growth, health and wellness!

Click here for My Story

Online Fitness

Wellness & Fitness

Yoga & Fitness

Affirmations & Meditations

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